Dear Members of Badmintonclub Terneuzen,

You can register for the second training series of the season. Steven will give 12 training sessions, on Thursday evenings from 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM. From Januari 16. With the exception of Januari 30 and March 20. The costs for the training are €30.

The club provides nylon shuttlecocks and a few tubes of feather shuttlecocks. Steven is in charge of deciding when new feather shuttlecocks may be used. If these shuttlecocks run out and you prefer to play with feather shuttlecocks, you can bring your own or purchase them on Monday evenings from Veerle or Michelle. The price will match the purchase price we paid when acquiring the shuttlecocks.

Items of the training: Variation in exercises, training partners, tactics and position on the court.

We have received some questions about extending the use of the hall. This is not possible at the moment, so we kindly ask you to respect the end of the training time at 21:30

Register immediately! You will receive a confirmation email that also contains payment details.
(Your registration is only complete once your payment has been received!)


With kind regards,
Technical committee

Register now >

Paticipants: (Automatically updated, refresh the page if your name does not appear)


Badmintonclub Terneuzen is member of Nederlandse Badmintonbond.
